Alabama Families Don’t Co-parent with Moms for Liberty/Clean Up Alabama

Clean Up Alabama and Moms For Liberty are actively working together to take control of our libraries as the self-appointed spokespeople for Alabama families and caretakers. The groups are demanding the state alter the Administrative Code, forcing libraries to enable relocation or removal of books that don’t fit the groups’ extreme ideology or face a loss of state funding. Alabama families do not co-parent with Moms for Liberty/Clean Up Alabama, and oppose the unprecedented governmental overreach they are demanding.

We, instead, are asking our state leaders to stand with Alabama families and not allow this vocal minority to decide what library materials are appropriate for our families. We are confident that our Alabama library professionals are already following appropriate, content-neutral guidelines and standards in their collections development procedures. We understand this means some library materials will challenge our own families’ beliefs; in fact, we embrace and celebrate this as evidence of the important role libraries play in broadening perspectives.

Unlike Moms for Liberty and Clean Up Alabama, we do not expect our libraries and librarians — or the state of Alabama— to assume our parental role in guiding or limiting our childrens’ reading choices. We find this demand from Moms for Liberty to be a contradiction of the principle the group has historically espoused, that they “don’t co-parent with the government.”

We, the families of Read Freely Alabama, stand opposed to these attempts to withhold state funding of our libraries in an attempt to force the government censorship of LGBTQ+ and racial justice materials. We stand opposed to any attempts to impose parental and caretaker responsibilities onto Alabama libraries and librarians. We do not co-parent with Moms for Liberty/Clean Up Alabama. Alabama families demand to be able to read freely.

Will you take a moment and share this petition with your community, your library director and library board? Let them know that Moms For Liberty/Clean Up Alabama only speak for themselves. Thank you for supporting our families and libraries in Alabama!

GOAL: 2,000 signatures

Will you sign?