The Problems We're Facing

Here at Read Freely Alabama, we think it's important for you to see what we are up against. 

Please visit our Facebook page to see a redacted letter, excerpted below, from one of the two book challengers in Foley, AL:

"For example, in August, Foley hosts an author of a book titled, The Southernization of America: a Story of Democracy in the Balance. The Publisher, Alabama-based NewSouth Books, is described as “socially conscious.” NewSouth Books founders are Suzanne La Rosa, a New York transplant, and Randall Williams, a native Alabaman and former staffer at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Perusal of their books reveals an unquestionable far left bias and titles that mirror America-hating, black nationalist ideology infesting public school curricula as CRT (Critical Race Theory). The description of this book reveals an assault on traditional Southern culture, Christianity, white populations in the South, and anything Republican, specifically referencing a “descent into Trumpism.”

"This material leaves no doubt as to the world view of the authors, publishers, and perhaps the Foley librarians who chose this material. One might conclude the misanthropic SPLC had a hand in choosing such book for the public event."