Understanding Alabama HB4: What It Means for Libraries and How You Can Help

A new bill has been introduced in the Alabama legislature that proposes significant changes to the criminal code regarding the operation of public and school libraries. Known as HB4, this legislation will alter the landscape of librarianship and public access to information. This post aims to break down the key elements of the bill and explain its potential negative impacts on our community libraries and the right to read across Alabama.

HB4 modifies existing laws that currently exempt public libraries, public school libraries, and their employees from certain criminal obscenity statutes. Under the new bill, these protections would be removed, exposing librarians and other library staff to spurious lawsuits and harassing criminal charges, particularly relating to the handling of materials local police or prosecutors consider "obscene" or "harmful to minors."

The threat of criminal prosecution will have a chilling effect on the right to read. Libraries in Alabama provide a diverse range of educational and cultural content. A bill like HB4 significantly impacts the library's role as an information resource. Legal experts suggest that HB4 could face challenges for being vague and overly broad, possibly infringing on First Amendment rights by restricting access to information. Libraries serve as crucial educational resources, especially for students and marginalized communities. Restricting access to information could widen educational inequalities and limit cultural exposure.

The implications of HB4 are far-reaching, affecting not just library professionals but all who benefit from free and open access to library services. If you share concerns about the potential effects of HB4 on Alabama’s libraries, Contact Your Legislators. It’s vital to let our lawmakers know where we stand on protecting our libraries. Send an email to your local representative now.

We urge everyone to read the full text of HB4, understand its potential impacts, and take action to ensure that libraries continue to serve their communities without undue restrictions.