The Public Comment Period concerning the APLS Administrative Code Changes Begins Today, February 1, 2024.
The APLS board voted to publish Gov. Ivey’s proposed changes. You can read more about Gov. Ivey’s proposal and her letter here. Essentially, Gov. Ivey said $6.6 million in state funding is “contingent” on public libraries complying with her proposal.
The Alabama Library Association submitted a counter-proposal, which largely aligns with Gov. Ivey’s proposals but clearly states that librarians cannot act in loco parentis when deciding which materials are suitable for minors.
Please review the Fact Sheet to learn more about the administrative code process and why this is so important to protect our libraries.
All written comments must be submitted through the appropriate venues by April 29. Unfortunately, all the comments must be mailed in or hand-delivered - there is no electronic option. There will be one public hearing held April 30. Members of the public who wish to speak must arrange this prior to the hearing with the Vanessa Carr, APLS Administrative Associate.
It’s imperative we submit 1,000 or more letters to the APLS Board regarding the changes to the administrative code.
RFA will host virtual training sessions and workshops to inform the public how they can craft their written comments and prepare to speak at the public hearing held on April 30.
Our first event is scheduled in Birmingham on Feb. 11 at 01:00 PM North Shelby Library, Mueller Annex Classroom (2nd Floor) in Birmingham, AL. RSVP here.